No waiting signs mean a motorist is permitted to stop for a short period of time, for example, to pick up or drop off a passenger. Anything that would take longer than a short pick up or drop off would be classed as waiting and is therefore prohibited.
No waiting sign with single yellow line
- The no waiting sign is often used to accompany a single yellow road line
- A single yellow line signifies there are certain time restrictions that apply
- Any time restrictions applicable to the no waiting area will be displayed on a nearby sign
- You are permitted to wait or park on a single yellow line if it is outside of the hours/days specified
No waiting sign and double yellow lines
- You might see a no waiting sign which is accompanied by double yellow lines
- Double yellow lines means that there is no waiting allowed at any time
- Restrictions may only apply at certain times of the year, in this case a sign will be displayed
If you are caught waiting or parking in no waiting areas during the times of operation, you could be issued with a penalty or fine. In extreme cases involving the police you could even be smacked with a hefty 3 points on your driving licence, so it's best to stick to the rules of the road!