When it comes to driving, you will need to be able to bay park on an almost daily basis.
You should be able to identify a safe and legal place to carry out a bay park from both the left and right side, with control and due regard for the safety of other road users.
When parking, it is important to avoid tight gaps and ensure that you are in a safe and legal space. These spaces should keep you at a safe distance from other cars.
You must also avoid parking in disabled pays and private bays unless you have a permit to park in one of these.

Initial approach
Once you have identified a parking space, you must apply the MSPSL routine. This allows other road users to identify what you are about to do and will enable you to manoeuvre safely. It is vital that you allow as much space as possible between yourself and the parking bay.
The routine
To begin the manoeuvre, you first need to reverse backward until the rear of your vehicle is in line with one of the nearest lines of the bay. Once you are in line, we recommend stopping initially to determine how much you need to turn. From here, you must begin to turn your wheel as you reverse, placing it at full lock towards the space. With your car starting to trun to the space, you can use your mirrors to judge if you are between the lines. You can straighten your steering wheel if you are evenly spaced between the two lines. Once you are fully in the space and parked up, you can open your door to double-check that you are between the lines. Rember when manoeuvring to observe in all directions continuously.
Before you manoeuvre, you must start with a 360 observation to ensure it is safe to begin. When you begin to reverse, you should look over your left shoulder and around you to ensure nothing is approaching. This is crucial as pedestrians, cars or road users may be approaching your vehicle. If someone is coming, you must stop, as it is not your priority, so you must let them pass before carrying on with the manoeuvre. Before you turn the wheel fully, make sure you do a complete 360 observation and ensure it’s safe, as the front of your car will swing out.

Top Tips
When reversing back into the bay, it is sometimes helpful to look to your right and left of your car, along with other parked cars, to help you judge how far you need to reverse back.